鋼琴 樂理 伴奏
鋼琴 樂理 伴奏
本人為浸會大學大專音樂系,歷來成績全為最高級別(Distinction)。已擁有英國皇家音樂學院八級優異(Distinction),Trinity College London AMusTCL優異(Distinction),Trinity College London LMusTCL優異(Distinction);本人亦考獲英國皇家音樂學院五級和八級樂理。
因現只教私人學生,合作來自各間國際學校、直資私校、本地學校:英基幼稚園,英基小學,女拔萃,弘立國際學校,耀中幼稚園&中小,box hill, York , st cath, 德望,培正,協恩,st mary,伊沙,呂明才,沙官...不能盡寫,可提供學生平時練習片和比賽得獎片。兼教特殊教育學生,如被斷為自閉/讀寫障礙之小朋友。
Study in HKBU,music, all music certifications are in distinctions, including ABRSM grade 8 piano, Trinity college London AMusTCL, LMusTCL. I also got ABRSM grade 5 and grade 8 theory with merit results.
I have 7+ years teaching experience in both private and music centres. I got several Teacher awards in the past. Some students also got awards when they attend School music festivals and other competitions. Now only teaching private students.
I have passion and benevolent to students from 2.5 years old. My teaching aim: Have Fun in MUSIC! Each student get his or her own study schedule and materials which are all designed by me. Students from different schools: both in international and aided schools: ESF, Yew Chung, Box Hill, York, St. Cath, St. Claire’s, St. Mary, St. Rose, DGS, Good Hope, Pui Ching, Heep Yunn, Elizabeth, ShaTin govt, Lui Ming Choi... etc.